My Services

Expert in Accessibility and Web Design

My expertise lies in designing and auditing accessible web presence.

Specializing in creating accessible websites. With my expertise in WordPress and accessibility, I ensures that all websites I create are user-friendly and inclusive for all users.

I accompany you from the initial idea through the conceptualization to successful implementation.

Foto von Maja Benke

My Service

WordPress & Accessibility

I offer a range of services to meet your web development and design needs. Our team of experts specializes in creating accessible websites that are user-friendly and meet industry standards.

Accessibility Human


I conduct thorough accessibility audits to ensure your website meets WCAG guidelines and is accessible to all users.

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Web Design

My web design services focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly WordPress websites that align with your brand and business goals.

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My training and workshops are designed to equip you and your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to create accessible websites and adhere to accessibility guidelines.


Expertise in WordPress and Accessibility

I’m an web designer who specializes in creating accessible websites. With my expertise, I deliver exceptional results for my clients.


I have extensive experience in WordPress, as I have been involved in the WordPress project since 2015, ensuring that websites are well designed and user-friendly.


With my expertise in accessibility, I create websites that are user-friendly, accessible, inclusive, and comply with legal accessibility requirements.

Laptop mit Bleistiften, zerknüllten Notizzetteln und einer Kaffeetasse

Transforming Websites with Accessibility

Unlock the full potential of your website with my expertise in accessibility.

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