About Me

Hej, I’m Maja Benke.
I’m an Accessibility Consultant and web designer specializing in creating accessible websites. With my expertise and passion, I ensure that websites are inclusive and user-friendly for all.

Foto von Maja Benke

Passionate Accessibility Consultant

I’m dedicated to creating accessible websites that cater to all users. With a focus on inclusivity, I strive to make the web a better place for everyone. Join me on this journey towards a more accessible digital world.

My Story

Equality, tolerance, fairness, and good coexistence are immensely important to me. It is obvious that the topic of accessibility is close to my heart.

At the age of 13, I came across Braille and found the mathematical approach of the script fascinating as a person with dyslexia. For this reason, I learned this script. With my friends, we used to write Braille notes during class, allowing us to have a kind of secret code.

My Mission

With my commitment to a user-friendly and accessible internet, I also aim to initiate changes, open up new possibilities, and actively remove obstacles.

  1. As an active member of the WordPress community, I work towards making WordPress – the system on which a large portion of global internet presences are based – accessible.
  2. When conceptualizing and designing new websites, it’s important for me to demonstrate that accessibility and good design go hand in hand.
  3. I assess existing websites for accessibility and provide advice on possible improvements. Often, even small measures can have a significant impact.
  4. As an expert and speaker, I raise awareness about the importance and necessity of accessible websites wherever I can – including international conferences (WordCamps).”

My Journey

I became a web designer and WordPress specialist through a few detours, from which I still benefit today. It all began with my passion for functional design and harmonious aesthetics. Websites were not part of the plan back then; it was more about nature in all its facets. Thus, I studied landscape architecture and planning in Berlin to merge my interests in nature and design.

After that, I set off to explore the world, visiting many inspiring places. I shared my experiences through a travel blog – that was my first encounter with WordPress.

However, it quickly evolved beyond that: I wanted my blog to align with me, with clear structure and a distinctive design. To achieve this, I delved deeper into design possibilities and discovered my passion for web design.

WordPress Community

Since 2015, I’ve also been a part of the WordPress community. Through active involvement in various teams, I delved into accessibility as a challenge for modern websites. Making WordPress and a significant portion of the internet accessible became my strongest drive.

That is
to me.

Developing just any web design doesn’t satisfy me. I want to help clients bring their own projects and goals to life with my work. I want to create a solid foundation for this – in the form of a good and long-lasting website that is user-friendly and meets high design standards.

In doing so, I fundamentally promise nothing that I can’t keep. As a self-employed individual, that’s entirely in my hands – another reason why I love this way of working.

Up for a collaborative project?

Unlock the full potential of your website with my expertise in accessibility.

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